When somebody says “NO” to you, does that feel like DEATH? You’ve been working hard at a job for years, and the company is making millions in profit, but your income has gone up little or none at all relative to inflation, your contribution, and your growing experience. You want to ask for a raise or promotion, but you’re afraid they’ll say “No.” If you do go through with it, your voice comes out nasally and weird, making you feel like a fool. You’re afraid of the answer “no” because “no” and not getting your way are tied to self-worth issues.
When you REPROGRAM YOUR LIMITED BELIEFS around your unworthiness, self-doubts, or fears and step into your AUTHENTIC POWERFUL SELF, you’ll have the confidence to go and ask for that pay raise or promotion. At the same time, you will exude confidence, and your boss will have a better chance of picking up on it and responding to you in a way that may help you get that pay raise or promotion.
However, they may say, “No.” If you can be AUTHENTICALLY YOURSELF and, in your POWER, a “no” won’t affect you, and you’ll be able to remain at least neutral with your emotions. Being in your POWERFUL SELF, you will have the confidence to request a conversation with your boss and ask, “Why?” instead of responding, “Okay,” and walking out the door.